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Are You a Lover or a Fighter?

A rainy wednesday makes me feel to updating my blog, but first of all... I want to check my emails first... one of the emails is a quiz that make me curious (like always...!!!) and... blogthing I go... !!!

I think I'm a lover but sometimes can be a fighter too... hmm.. let's find out what according to this quiz :

You Are a Lover
You think that there's no use in fighting, even if you know you're right. No one wants to hear that they're wrong, so you try your best to compromise.

You have love in your heart for almost everyone. You focus on what you do have in common with people. Life is so much nicer when everyone gets along. For you, that harmony is the most important thing.

0 silaturahim:

Tu comentario será moderado la primera vez que lo hagas al igual que si incluyes enlaces. A partir de ahi no ser necesario si usas los mismos datos y mantienes la cordura. No se publicarán insultos, difamaciones o faltas de respeto hacia los lectores y comentaristas de este blog.